The story begins today, April 23, in Lotus, California –
Author: linda
The Hermit Bookstore week
My newest story, THE HERMIT BOOKSTORE, takes place in the springtime – April 23 thru May 1 – in beautiful Lotus, California. To celebrate, I will be posting short highlights from the story each day starting April 23.
Hello, Spring, we’re glad you’re here.
More options – ebook or paperback
I don’t know about you, but for me, this week could not have come fast enough. It marks the end of the 3-month pre-launch period of THE HERMIT BOOKSTORE and THE MEDIUM…which were available only in ebook from Amazon Kindle. Sales of the books were steady and encouraging, and I was happy to see that the number of sales were almost equally split between both books. (I thought THE HERMIT BOOKSTORE might be the big seller, but the difference between the two was only four books.)
Now that it’s over, the books are available EVERYWHERE…including:
Amazon (ebook and paperback)
Barnes & Noble (ebook and paperback)
iTunes (ebook)
Kobo (ebook)
Books-a-Million (paperback)
Your local bookstore (paperback)
If you’ve read one or both books, Thank You! I hope you enjoyed them. Please take a minute to rate them on your favorite site (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Goodreads).
More highlights will be coming soon as the projects I’m working on come together.