It’s easy to admire fiction writers

If you are someone who writes – either a little or a lot – for your job or as a hobby, it’s easy to think: “Well, shoot, writing fiction doesn’t look very difficult.” Don’t believe this when you think it, because writing fiction is HARD. Writing a 200-300 page novel takes a tremendous amount of creativity and storytelling skill, which becomes evident only when you take on the task yourself. When I started writing fiction I reread some of my favorite fiction books, this time from the perspective of a writer rather than a reader. This little exercise creates a whole new level of admiration for what the author had accomplished.

The quote that kept me writing

We are almost one week into the launch of THE HERMIT BOOKSTORE and THE MEDIUM. It was exciting and it flew by. Today I … worried about the lack of sun on my face these past 6 days; thought about how to improve my Goodreads profile; enjoyed getting to know new Twitter followers; found the quote that kept me going while writing THE HERMIT BOOKSTORE and THE MEDIUM – here it is: “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas A. Edison